Business Acumen (B100)
$79.00  $39.50
Business Acumen (B100)
Business Acumen has the ability to influence your whole organization and provide that additional edge that will lead to success. This Turnkey University course will: - Teach you how to identify how your business decisions, both big and small,...
Entrepreneurship (B110)
$79.00  $39.50
Entrepreneurship (B110)
Entrepreneurship makes the world turn, and a lot of innovation is created by forward-thinking individuals like you who possess the drive, skills, and background to turn a business vision into reality. Let the Turnkey University Entrepreneurship...
Contract Management (B150)
$79.00  $39.50
Contract Management (B150)
Contracts dictate every aspect of key business strategies and relationships. Honing your contract management skills will help save the two parties significant time and effort. In this Turnkey University Contract Management course, you will learn...
Business Ethics (B200)
$79.00  $39.50
Business Ethics (B200)
A company’s ethics will have an influence on all levels of business. It will influence all who interact with the company, including customers, employees, suppliers, and competitors. In this Turnkey University Business Ethics course, you will...
Business Etiquette (B300)
$79.00  $39.50
Business Etiquette (B300)
This Turnkey University Business Etiquette course examines the basics—most importantly to be considerate of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and "the handshake",...
Business Succession Planning (B400)
$79.00  $39.50
Business Succession Planning (B400)
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, they say. How you prepare people to take on leadership responsibilities is just as important as hiring the right person for the job. Every company should have a form of succession planning in its...

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